The Cook Islands operates an Open Register for all vessels, including merchant and fishing vessels and commercial and private yachts.
Maritime Cook Islands Limited performs the Flag State responsibilities on behalf of the Cook Islands government through the Ministry of Transport. Registrations are compliant with the Cook Islands Ship Registration Act 2007, IMO Conventions and IACS Unified interpretations. Upon registration, a vessel can fly the Cook Islands flag in international waters.

A vessel owner qualifies to register a vessel through membership of the Cook Islands Ship Owners Association or Cook Islands Yacht Squadron or by establishing a Cook Islands international company or by registering an existing Foreign Company on the Cook Islands International Companies Register.
The vessel registration process is simple and efficient and can be completed with assistance of MCI or one of the many Deputy Registrars operating on behalf of the Cook Islands Registrar around the world.
For more information on registration on the Cook Islands Ship Registry visit Maritime Cook Islands website