Industry Sectors
Legal & Accounting
The Cook Islands is able to offer excellent legal and accounting resources to assist both resident and non-resident clients.
The Cook Islands is able to offer excellent legal resources to assist clients, both resident and non-resident, with their legal requirements. Lawyers admitted to practice in the Cook Islands are members of the Cook Islands Law Society established pursuant to the Law Practitioners Act 1992-93. The Act provides for the functions of the Law Society, admission procedures for barristers and solicitors, disciplinary and trust account obligations and the establishment of a Council of the Law Society. It also provides for a Code of Ethics.
All of the licensed trustee companies have in house legal counsel able to assist with a client’s, and his/her advisor’s, understanding of Cook Islands legal requirements and wealth management planning. However, where independent Cook Islands legal advice is required on any aspect of the law, or representation is required in litigation, there is a number of qualified lawyers able to assist.
Legal System
Accounting Services
Cook Islands Lawyers
Tim Arnold P.C.
Karen Harvey
Browne Harvey & Associates P.C. was established in 2008 by Tina Browne and Karen Harvey, both of whom had previously been principals of Browne Gibson Harvey P.C. (formerly Clarkes P.C.). Browne Harvey & Associates P.C. is a professional corporation, having received the requisite approval of the Chief Justice of the High Court of the Cook Islands to operate as such.
Browne Harvey & Associates P.C. is a law firm which undertakes a wide range of legal work in the Cook Islands, including providing advice to international entities and all those who have dealings with international entities.
Heinz Matysik
Little & Matysik P.C. is a full-service law firm with extensive experience in banking, finance, commercial, and regulatory matters, servicing a wide range of domestic and international clients. The firm is regularly engaged to provide legal advice to the off-shore sector acting for off-shore entities (including international trusts, international companies, captive insurers, and foundations) and financiers of off-shore entities. With experience in dealing with the Financial Supervisory Commission and Financial Intelligence Unit, the firm can assist with navigating the off-shore regulatory landscape including AML/CFT obligations. The firm also provides litigation services with access to specialist barristers in disputes involving off-shore entities.
New Zealand Lawyers

KPMG Cook Islands