Why a choose a career in the Cook Islands Financial Services Industry?

The Financial Services Industry (FSI) brings exciting career prospects. Whether your future lies in law, accounting, administration, IT, or marketing, the FSI offers you the chance to get the best of both worlds - a rewarding, well-paying professional career while living and enjoying life in our little paradise.

We Nurture Local Talent

Our industry nurtures Cook Islands talent from entry-level positions to coveted senior roles. Start your journey in the industry and grow, gaining valuable experience and expertise along the way.

A World Of Opportunity

A career in the FSI will give you the opportunity to thrive in the world of finance right here at home and take those skills to the global stage! Cook Islands professionals have utilized the skills and experience gained at home to make a significant impact around the world.

Contribute To Our Prosperity

By pursuing a career in the FSI, you can contribute to the growth and prosperity of our island community while building a successful professional future.

We Prioritise Cook Islanders

We have a strong commitment to hiring and prioritising Cook Islanders. This means that as a local student, you have a unique advantage and a greater chance to secure rewarding positions within the industry.

What are some career opportunities in the Financial Services Industry (FSI)

Law/Legal Services

With a law degree, you’ll have the key to unlock exciting opportunities in this sector of the  Financial Services Industry (FSI). Cook Islands trust laws have been the gold standard in  asset protection/wealth planning for High Net-Worth individuals for 30+ years. Your law  degree will be the foot in the door to working in this sector of the FSI. Many lawyers that  began their careers in Cook Islands Trust industry have gone on to travel the world with  the experience gained at home. 



If numbers and financial analysis is your focus, the FSI presents some excellent opportunities for accounting professionals. Among the various financial service providers, you’ll  find the presence of KPMG, one of the prestigious “Big 4” global accounting firms,  based right here in the Cook Islands.


Do you have exceptional organizational and communication skills? The FSI welcomes  individuals like you to assist financial service providers in their growth and success. Companiesin the FSI offer professional development opportunities for administrative staff,  allowing you to excel in your career.


Information Technology

In today’s technology-driven world, the FSI heavily relies on Information Technology.  From managing IT structures and creating customised solutions, to safeguarding valuable  data there the demand for IT professionals in our industry is growing. With a special  focus on cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, there is a wealth of opportunities for  qualified IT professionals to explore here at home in the Cook Islands.


Sales & Marketing

Become a part of a dynamic Sales and Marketing team within the Cook Islands’ FSI.  Through Cook Islands Finance (the government agency dedicated to promoting the FSI  internationally) and our financial service providers, you can embark on an exciting journey  in sales and marketing, helping shape the future of our thriving industry.



Immerse yourself in a career in banking within the Cook Islands’ FSI. With three commercial banks (ANZ, Bank of the South Pacific & Bank of the Cook Islands) and a globally recognised private bank (Capital Security Bank), you’ll find a multitude of career opportunities and pathways to pursue your ambitions right here at home.


Got Questions? Email enquiry@fsda.gov.ck or give us a call on +682 21-175 and we’ll connect you with the local industry professionals.